Tekstai temoje ‘Angliški’


If love is blind, how will she find me?


Never make love in the garden or in the fields…… For love might be blind but your neighbors not!


The less you open up to others, the more you will suffer.


There is a clown in my heart. Small and very special, he can dance and jump, laugh and sing … is you sad and crying, you can borrow him.


I love the spring mornings, the afternoons in autumn, the winter evenings and the summer nights….but you I love more!


A woman likes to have four animals in the house: a jaguar in front of the doorway, a fox in the closet, a bull in bed, and a numbskulll to pay for this all.


Be friendly with your kids, they choose your home when you are old!


Be nice to the ones who smoke.. every cigarette migh be their last.


For you I would go as far as the end of the world. Do you promise to stay here ?“


God created the earth, God created the woods, God created you too, but yes, even God makes mistakes!


I am not stupid, I am blond!!! B – L – O – N – T


I like to compare you with a nice cold glass of beer, beautiful colour, perfect taste, really perfect and when the glass is empty i just take the next one.


If you have picture where you look old, keep them. In twenty years you can prove that you have not changed a bit.


Love me or leave me. Hey,where is everybody going ??


My mother in law walks five miles every day, I wonder where she is at this moment…