Tekstai temoje ‘Angliški’


For the world you are somebody, but for somebody you are the world…


When do you know a woman is going to say something interesting ? …. When she starts with „My husband said…“


Why does a stupid blond woman sneak past the pharmacy? …………….. She does not want to wake the sleeping tablets!


Dear God, I will keep it brief otherwise they will steal my dinner. AMEN


There are three girls in the sixth grade … A blond a brown and a red. Who has the biggest boops ? ………… The blond because she already reached the age of 20!!!


Can I have your picture? ……… I save natural disasters


Of course… If you want something there is always a way to get there. Unfortunately on my way there are road works.


Farmer seeks woman with tractor. Please add photo of tractor.


Do you think I can live for another fourty years? … Do you drink? … No! … Do you smoke? … No! … Do you visit the whores? … No! ……. Why do you want to live another fourty years?


There are numerous restaurants where you can eat Chinese. But it does not help a bit. There are more every day.


Do you believe that getting married on a Friday brings bad luck ? „Of course, why would Friday be an exception?“


You do not have to be good to be the best as long as you are better than all the rest!!


Just to let you know that I went to heaven and back…


What you never want to hear while having good sex?? …………. „Honey, I am home!“


There is: Hot-Sex, Fast-Sex, Safe-Sex, Group-Sex, Leather-Sex, Telephone-Sex, Cyber-Sex, and for people with your face: „No-Sex“!